Apply Now

You are applying for the position:

Regional Manager | Hervey Bay, Australia

Application Form

(All fields are required)

1. Source of application:
Where did you hear about this opportunity?

2. Location of Work/Shifts:
Please select which locations you would be happy to work at. Note you can choose multiple locations.

3. Experience suitable for the position:
Please outline the skills and experience you possess that will enable you to meet the requirements of this position.

4. Applies technical knowledge:
What would be your key considerations when planning service delivery of a Non Family-Based Care program?

5. Qualifications:
Please outline your highest level of Qualifications?

6. Residency:
Which option best describes your current residency status?

7. Criminal History Check:
Have you obtained a Department of Communities Licensing of Care Services (LCS 2 Form)Personal History Check within the last 2 years?

8. Criminal History Checks:
Do you have or would you be willing to undergo the following criminal history checks? It is an offence for a disqualified person to apply for a Blue Card for further information go to

9. Licence:
Do you hold a current C or CA Class Drivers licence?

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